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Power Devices and Internet of Things for Intelligent System Design

Edited by Angsuman Sarkar and Arpan Deyasi
Copyright: 2025   |   Expected Pub Date:2024//
ISBN: 9781394305780  |  Hardcover  |  
445 pages
Price: $225 USD
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One Line Description
Unlock the potential of cutting-edge advancements in power electronics and IoT with "Power Devices and Internet of Things for Intelligent System Design," a vital resource that bridges the gap between industry and academia, inspiring innovative solutions across diverse fields like agriculture, healthcare, and security.

Industry representatives who are developing embedded systems as proposed solutions for existing problems to give out-of-the-box clues that will help them rationalize their outcome.

Power Devices and Internet of Things for Intelligent System Design covers cutting-edge technological advancements in the field of electrical circuits, specifically the power electronic sector and IoT-based smart systems, where the outcome is correlated to present industrial aspects, ranging from DC to the higher frequency spectrum. The progress of research in electrical systems not only unveils power electronics and fault tolerance but also extends to internet-based surveillance systems for upcoming threats and possible removal techniques. Modern IoT-based system design has a number of human benefits included in the system, where the role of blockchain architecture adds the flavor of interdisciplinary research.
The goal of this book is to use IoT and power engineering systems-associated technologies to develop practical answers to todays issues and examine the many uses of the Internet of Things in a variety of fields, including agriculture, home security systems, data security, construction, healthcare, wildlife monitoring, cryptology, and employment in the hospitality sector. Power Devices and Internet of Things for Intelligent System Design will serve as a bridge between industry and academia, and therein lies the success of this endeavour.

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Author / Editor Details
Angsuman Sarkar, PhD is a professor and the Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Kalyani Government Engineering College, West Bengal. He has authored six books, 23 book chapters, 97 papers in international refereed journals, and 57 research papers in national and international conferences. He is a member of the board of editors of various journals and serves as a reviewer for various international journals. He has delivered invited expert talks and tutorial speeches at various international conferences and technical programs.

Arpan Deyasi, PhD is an associate professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India with more than 18 years of professional experience in academia and industry. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed research papers and edited eight books, three of which are in press. He has completed two funded projects and has two that are currently ongoing. He has also served as a technical consultant for various industrial projects.

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Table of Contents
1. Comparative Analysis Between PI and Model Predictive Torque-Flux Control of VSI-Fed Three-Phase Induction Motor Under Variable Loading Conditions

Sujoy Bhowmik, Pritam Kumar Gayen and Arkendu Mitra
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Mathematical Modeling of Three-Phase Induction Motor and Voltage Source Inverter
1.2.1 Induction Motor Modeling
1.2.2 Voltage Source Inverter Modeling
1.3 Control Logics of Induction Motor Drive
1.3.1 Proportional–Integral-Based Control of Induction Motor
1.3.2 Model Predictive Torque and Flux Control of Induction Motor Estimation of Stator and Rotor Flux Stator Current, Flux, and Torque Prediction
1.4 Results and Discussions
1.4.1 Performance with PI-Based Control
1.4.2 Performance with MPC
1.5 Conclusion
1.6 Future Scope
2. A Survey on Congestion Control in Large Data Centers
Indrajit Das, Papiya Das, Papiya Debnath, Manash Chanda and Subhrapratim Nath
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Key Issues in Data Center Networks
2.3 Review of Undertaken Research
2.3.1 ICTCP: Incast Congestion Control for TCPbin Data-Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Working Principle of ICTCP Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.2 CONGA: Distributed Congestion-Aware Load Balancing for Data Centers Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design and Working Principle of CONGA Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.3 Credit-Scheduled Delay-Bounded Congestion Control for Data Centers Problem Overview Proposed Solution Structure and Operation Principles of ExpressPass Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.4 Enhancing TCP Incast Congestion Control Over Large-Scale Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Structure and Operating Theory of RDTCP Implementation and Experimental Evaluation Pros and Cons
2.3.5 TIMELY: RTT-Based Congestion Control for the Data Center Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview of TIMELY Working Principle of TIMELY Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.6 Controlling TCP Incast Congestion in Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design and Working Principle of M21TCPA Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.7 Explicit Multipath Congestion Control for Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design and Working Principle Overview of XMP Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.8 SDN Controlled Local Re-Routing to Reduce Congestion in Cloud Data Centers Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview and Working Principle of SDN-Controlled Open-Flow-Based Re-Routing Algorithm Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.9 Deadline-Aware Data Center TCP (D2TCP) Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview and Working Principle of D2TCP Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.10 QCN with Delay-Based Congestion Detection for Limited Queue Fluctuation in Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview of QCN/DC Working Principle of QCN/DC Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.11 A Congestion-Aware and Robust Multicast Protocol in SDN-Based Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview of MCTCP Working Principle of MCTCP Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.12 Quantized Congestion Notification for Multicast in Data Center Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview and Working Principle of QCN/BS Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.13 Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks Problem Overview Proposed Solution Design Overview of SMCC Working Principle of SMCC Implementation and Experimental Analysis Pros and Cons
2.3.14 On Architecture Design, Congestion Notification, TCP Incast, and Power Consumption in Data Centers Review of DCN Architecture Review of Congestion Control Algorithms Review on TCP Incast Review on GREEN DCN and Energy-Saving Approaches
2.4 Comparative Analysis
2.5 Conclusion
3. Secure Information Transfer Using Blockchain Architecture
Suryapratim Ray, Aditya Bhattacharya, Preetam Ghosh, Rajat Biswas and Arpan Deyasi
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology
3.3 Proof of Work (PoW)
3.4 System Architecture
3.5 Data Chain Implementation
3.6 Conclusion and Future Work
4. Cyber Literacy, Awareness, and Safety of Senior Citizens: A Comprehensive Case Study of the Contemporary Landscape
Preetam Bhattacharya, Sayak Karar, Suranjan Saha and Debraj Chatterjee
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Background
4.2.1 Digital Revolution and Digital Age
4.2.2 COVID-19 Pandemic Boosting Up the Digital Revolution
4.2.3 Challenges Encountered by Senior Citizens in the Digital Age
4.3 Cyber Literacy and Awareness Among Senior Citizens
4.3.1 Current Scenario
4.3.2 Need for Cyber Literacy and Awareness
4.4 Common Cyber Attacks Faced by Senior Citizens
4.4.1 Social Engineering Attacks
4.4.2 Phishing Attacks
4.4.3 Malware Attacks
4.4.4 Ransomware Attacks
4.4.5 Identity Theft Attacks
4.5 Safe Cyber Practices for Senior Citizens
4.6 Conclusion
5. Smart IOT-Based Kit for Agriculture with Sensor-Incorporated Systems: A Review
Caprio Mistry and Arighna Basak
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Research Background
5.3 Detailed Description of the Project
5.4 Literature Review
5.5 Hardware Requirement
5.6 Discussion
5.7 Conclusion
6. Music Generation Using Deep Learning
Sneha Roy Chowdhury, Samridha Biswas, Shuvayan Nandy, Suman Kumar Maity and Debraj Chatterjee
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Background Information
6.1.2 Significance of the Study
6.1.3 Purpose of the Study
6.1.4 Scope of the Study
6.2 Literature Survey
6.2.1 Comparative Study
6.3 Proposed Methodology
6.4 Results and Discussion
6.5 Conclusion and Future Scope
7. Design of Cost-Efficient LPG Gas Sensing Prototype Module Embedded with Accident Prevention Feature
Rajarshi Dhar, Shreemoyee Bhattacharyya, Pampa Debnath and Arpan Deyasi
7.1 Introduction
Workflow of the Prototype
Architecture of the Prototype
Circuit-Level Implementation
8. Various Versions of Power Converter Topologies in a Common Platform
Tapas Halder
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Derivation of the Flyback Converter From the Buck–Boost Converter
8.3 Power Circuit Operation of the Buck–Boost Converter
8.4 Design of the Power Inductor of the Converter
8.5 Impact of the Ripple Voltage Across the Output Capacitor
8.6 Derivation of the Flyback Converter from the Buck–Boost Converter
8.7 Derivation of the Buck Converter
8.8 Derivation of the Boost Converter from the Buck–Boost Converter
8.9 Derivation of the CUK Converter Topology
8.10 Derivation of the SEPIC Topology
8.11 Derivation of the Zeta Converter Topology
8.12 Results
8.13 Conclusions
9. Comparative Analysis of Two-Inductor Boost with Conventional Boost Converter for Brushless DC Motor Drive
Saha Sunam, Chattopadhyay Madhurima, Chowdhury Debjyoti and Mukherjee Moumita
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Brushless DC Motor Drive
9.3 Converter Design and Operation
9.4 Design Parameters of the Modified Boost Converter
9.5 Proposed Scheme of BLDC Drive
9.6 Results and Discussions
9.7 Conclusion
10. A Survey on NSF Future Internet Architecture (FIA) for MobilityFirst (MF), Named Data Networking (NDN), NEBULA, and eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA)
Indrajit Das, Papiya Das, Papiya Debnath, Manash Chanda and Subhrapratim Nath
10.1 Introduction
10.2 MobilityFirst
10.2.1 Vision
10.2.2 Design Goals
10.2.3 Design Requirements
10.2.4 Key Protocol Features
10.2.5 Protocol Stack
10.2.6 Security Pros and Cons
10.2.7 Interesting Publications and Research Works
10.3 Named Data Networking
10.3.1 Visions
10.3.2 Design Goals
10.3.3 NDN Network Architecture
10.3.4 Key Protocol Features
10.3.5 Advantages of Data Centric Networking Paradigm
10.3.6 Security Pros and Cons
10.3.7 Interesting Publications and Research Works
10.4 Nebula
10.4.1 Visions
10.4.2 Design Goals
10.4.3 Internet Architecture to Support Cloud Computing
10.4.4 Network Architecture to Enable Security
10.4.5 Security Pros and Cons
10.4.6 Interesting Publications and Research Works
10.5 eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA)
10.5.1 Vision
10.5.2 Design Goals
10.5.3 Design Requirements
10.5.4 Protocol Stack Architecture
10.5.5 Security Pros and Cons
10.5.6 Interesting Publications and Research Works
10.6 Security and Privacy Analysis of NSF FIA Systems
10.7 Conclusion
11. Detection and Elimination of Single and Multiple Missing Gate Fault (SMGF/MMGF) of Reversible Arithmetic Circuits
Arindam Banerjee
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Basic Concept of ATPG and Missing Gate Fault of Reversible Circuits
11.3 Generation of a Test Pattern for Fault Detection and Elimination Model of Reversible Gates
11.4 Test Pattern Generation and Fault Elimination of Half and Full Adder
11.5 Test Pattern Generation and Fault Elimination of Half and Full Subtractor
11.6 Test Pattern Generation and Fault Elimination of Half and Full Adder–Subtractor
11.7 Circuit Parameter Calculation
11.8 Computational Delay Analysis
11.9 Result Analysis
11.10 Conclusion
11.11 Future Scope of the Research
12. Development of Efficient Algorithm for Detection and Tracking of Infected Chicken at an Early Stage of Bird Flu with a Suitable Surveillance System Using RFID Technology
Sananda Pal, Anibrata Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Recent Trends
12.3 Methodology
12.3.1 Cage Setup with RFID Technology
12.3.2 Proposed Algorithm: Detection of Infected Chicken
12.3.3 Track and Locate Tracking Calculations
12.3.4 Simulation Model for the Tracking Algorithm Strategy Using Python Programming Tracking Algorithm in Python (Pseudo-Code)
12.4 Results and Discussions
12.4.1 Simulation to Track and Locate Using Python Programming
12.4.2 Output at the Database
12.5 Conclusions
13. Selection of DC–DC Converter for P&O MPPT Application and Its Analysis
Arkendu Mitra, Sujoy Bhowmik, Subhra Mukherjee, Pallav Dutta, Kamalika Banerjee and Sudhangshu Sarkar
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Characteristics of a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Cell
13.3 Maximum Power Point Tracking
13.4 Proposed P&O MPPT Scheme
13.5 Selection of DC–DC Converter
13.6 Selection of a Buck–Boost Converter
13.7 Modeling and Simulation of PV Cell
13.8 Simulink Validation
13.9 Implementation of Hardware
13.10 Results and Discussion
13.11 Conclusion
13.12 Future Scope
14. EC-Assisted IoT: Threats and Solutions
Debosmita Chaudhuri and Jayanta Aich
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Elements of Edge Computing
14.3 Basic Architecture of Edge Computing
14.4 Edge Computing Applications
14.5 Security and Privacy
14.6 Security and Privacy Threats
14.7 Security and Privacy Countermeasures
14.8 Direction for Further Research
14.9 Conclusion
15. Implementation of Semi-Autonomous UAV for Remote Surveillance and Emergency Reconnaissance Using Convolutional Neural Network Model
Suryapratim Ray, Simantini Ghosh, Aditya Bhattacharjee, Rajat Biswas, Preetam Ghosh and Arpan Deyasi
15.1 Introduction
15.2 System Requirements
15.3 System Implementation
15.4 Algorithm and Workflow
15.5 Implementation and Result
15.6 Conclusion
16. Performance Improvement of Closed-Loop Sepic by ZVS and Its Protection
Sujoy Bhowmik, Arkendu Mitra, Sudhangshu Sarkar, Subhra Mukherjee, Kamalika Banerjee and Pallav Dutta
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Working Principle of Sepic
16.3 Sizing of Inductor and Capacitor
16.4 Transfer Function Modeling of Sepic
16.5 Designing a Closed-Loop Controller
16.6 Minimization of Losses by Soft Switching
16.7 Protection Schemes for Sepic
16.7.1 Over-Voltage and Under-Voltage Protection
16.7.2 Over-Current Protection
16.8 Simulation Results
16.8.1 Open-Loop Configuration Minimum Input Voltage–Maximum Duty Ratio Maximum Input Voltage–Minimum Duty Ratio
16.8.2 Closed-Loop Configuration
16.8.3 Proposed ZVS Sepic
16.8.4 Over-Voltage and Under-Voltage Protection of Sepic
16.8.5 Over-Current Protection of Sepic
16.9 Conclusion
16.10 Future Scope
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