Mathematics for Engineers serves as a comprehensive guide on the basics of mathematics and their applications in engineering for students and seasoned professionals alike.
Table of ContentsPreface
1. Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages1.1 Introduction
1.2 Fractions
1.2.1 Definition of Fractions
1.2.2 Types of Fractions
1.2.3 Simplest Form or Fraction in Lowest Term
1.2.4 Comparing Fractions
1.2.5 Algebra of Fractions
1.3 Decimals and Percentages
1.4 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
1.5 Activity/Experiment
2. Ratio and Proportion 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Ratios
2.2.1 Definition
2.2.2 Simplifying Ratio
2.2.3 Equivalent Ratio
2.2.4 Methods for Finding a Ratio
2.2.5 Methods to Calculate Increasing and Decreasing in Each Ratio
2.3 Rate
2.3.1 Unit Rates
2.4 Proportions
2.4.1 Direct Proportion
2.4.2 Inverse Proportion
2.5 Activity/Experiment—Ratio
2.6 Activity/Experiment—Proportions
3. Two-Dimensional Geometry3.1 Introduction
3.2 Geometry
3.2.1 One-Dimensional Geometry
3.2.2 Two-Dimensional Geometry
3.3 Area and Perimeter of 2D Shapes
3.3.1 Perimeter
3.3.2 Area of Two-Dimensional Geometry
3.3.3 Finding the Area of Shapes by Counting the Square
3.4 Curved Plane Figures
3.4.1 Circles
3.4.2 Semi-Circles
3.4.3 Quarter Circles (QUADRANT)
3.5 Perimeter and Area of Irregular Polygons and Composite Shapes
3.6 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
3.7 Activity/Experiment
4. Three-Dimensional Geometry4.1 Introduction
4.2 Nets of Three-Dimensional Shapes
4.3 Surface Area and Volume of Three-Dimensional Shapes
4.3.1 A Cube
4.3.2 A Cuboid
4.3.3 Cylinder
4.3.4 Cone
4.3.5 Sphere
4.3.6 Hemisphere
4.3.7 Prism
4.3.8 Pyramid
4.4 Compounded Shapes
Level 2: Exercise 4.2 Practice Questions
Level 3: Exercise 4.3 Practice Questions
4.5 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
4.6 PBL/Experiment
5. Algebra and Graphs5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Early History of Algebra
5.1.2 Modern History of Algebra
5.1.3 Algebra
5.1.4 Algebra: What Is It?
5.1.5 Why Should We Study Algebra?
5.2 Algebraic Expressions
5.2.1 How are Expressions Formed?
5.2.2 Arithmetic Operators
5.3 Transposition of Formulae
5.4 Algebraic Fractions
5.4.1 How Can We Calculate Two Algebraic Fractions?
5.5 Simple Linear Equation
5.5.1 Formation of Algebraic Equation
5.5.2 How to Solve Linear Algebraic Equations?
5.6 Quadratic Equations
5.6.1 Solving Quadratic Equation
5.7 Simultaneous Equations
5.8 Graphs of Algebraic Functions
5.8.1 Graph of Linear Equations
5.8.2 Quadratic Equations Graphs
5.8.3 Simultaneous Equations
5.9 Exponential Functions
5.10 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
5.11 Activity/Experiment
6. Exponent and Logarithm6.1 Introduction
6.2 Indices
6.2.1 Definition: Indices—[Concept: Repeated Multiplication]
6.2.2 Rules of Indices
6.3 Logarithms
6.3.1 Definition
6.3.2 Types of Logarithms [Depending on Base]
6.3.3 Rules of Logarithm
6.3.4 Characteristics and Mantissa of Logarithms
6.3.5 Properties of Logarithms
6.4 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
7. Trigonometry 7.1 Introduction
7.2 Pythagoras Theorem
7.3 Trigonometric Ratio
7.4 Trigonometry Table
7.4.1 Angles
7.5 The Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression
7.5.1 Definition
7.6 Trigonometric Equation
7.6.1 Definition
7.6.2 Oriented Angle
7.6.3 Identities
7.6.4 Quadrants
7.7 Radian Measure
7.7.1 Converting Between Radians and Degrees
7.7.2 Area of Sector
7.8 The Sine and Cosine Rules
7.8.1 The Sine Rule
7.8.2 The Cosine Rule
7.8.3 Ambiguous Case
7.9 Steps to Use Calculator for Trigonometry
7.10 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
8. Differential Calculus8.1 Introduction
8.2 Functions
8.2.1 Types of Functions
8.3 Limit and Continuity
8.3.1 Definition
8.3.2 One-Sided Limits
8.3.3 Continuity
8.4 Derivatives
8.4.1 Definition
8.4.2 List of Formulae
8.5 Differentiation Rules
8.6 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Function
8.6.1 Laws of Exponents
8.6.2 Rules of Logarithm
8.6.3 Rules for Finding the Derivative of Log and Exp
8.7 Derivatives of Trigonometric Function
8.8 Application of Derivatives
8.9 Maxima and Minima
8.10 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
8.11 Activity/Experiment
9. Integral Calculus9.1 Introduction
9.2 Integration Rules
9.3 Integration by Parts
9.4 Integration by Partial Fraction
9.5 Definite Integral
9.6 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
10. Probability10.1 Introduction
10.2 Fundamental Principle of Counting
10.3 Permutations and Combinations
10.3.1 Permutation
10.3.2 Combinations
10.4 Simple Probability
10.4.1 Probability of an Event
10.4.2 Equally Likely Events
10.5 Conditional Probability
10.6 Probability Sample Space Diagram
10.7 Probability Tree Diagram
10.8 Probability Using Venn Diagram
10.8 Check Your Knowledge (MCQ)
10.9 PBL/Experiment (Experimental Probability Vs. Theoretical Probability)
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