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Electrical Machines

By Md. Abdus Salam
Copyright: 2025   |   Expected Pub Date:2025//
ISBN: 9781394231171  |  Hardcover  |  
704 pages
Price: $225 USD
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One Line Description
Electrical Machines is essential for anyone in the engineering field, as it provides comprehensive coverage of electrical machines and practical skills in analysis and simulation, making it an invaluable resource for students, educators, and industry professionals alike.

Students, educators, and industry professionals working in the mechanical engineering field, specifically with electrical machines

This outstanding new volume covers the basics of electrical machines, including analysis and simulation using Automation Studio and Multisim software. Written by an expert in the field, this is a must-have for any mechanical engineer library, covering three-phase power, electromagnetic circuits, transformers, DC generators and DC motors, three-phase induction motors, synchronous generators and motors, single-phase induction motors, special motors, controls, and much more. Not just for the practicing engineer, this is a valuable reference work for the student, teacher, or other industry professional.

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Author / Editor Details
Md. Abdus Salam, PhD is a professor at Fanshawe College, Ontario and an adjunct research professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Western University, Ontario with over 24 years of teaching experience. He has published eight textbooks, 58 articles in international journals, and 66 papers in international conferences. In addition to his academic work, he has served as a consultant for various private and government agencies. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA and a member of the Institution of Engineering Technology, UK.

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Table of Contents
1. Analysis of Electrical Power

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Power
1.3 Average Power and Reactive Power
1.4 Apparent Power
1.5 Complex Power
1.6 Complex Power Balance
1.7 Power Factor and Reactive Factor
1.8 Power Factor Correction
1.9 Three-Phase Voltage Generation
1.10 Phase Sequence
1.11 Wye Connection
1.12 Analysis of Wye Connection
1.13 Delta Connection
1.14 Analysis of Delta Connection
1.15 Analysis of Three-Phase Power
1.16 Basic Measurement Equipment
Exercise Problems
2. Magnetic Circuits
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Magnetic Force and Field
2.3 Magnetic Circuit
2.4 Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density
2.5 Magnetomotive Force
2.6 Magnetizing Force
2.7 Permeability and Relative Permeability
2.8 Reluctance
2.9 Permeance
2.10 Fleming’s Rules
2.11 Analogy of Magnetic and Electric Circuits
2.12 Ampere’s Circuital Law
2.13 Magnetic Flux Density of a Long Straight Wire
2.14 Toroidal Coil
2.15 Series Magnetic Circuit
2.16 Parallel Magnetic Circuit
2.17 Air Gap
2.18 Analysis of Magnetic Circuit with Air Gap
2.19 Electromagnetic Force on a Conductor
2.20 Force Between Two Parallel Conductors
2.21 Faraday’s Laws
2.22 Magnetic Materials and B-H Curve
2.23 Inductance and Mutual Inductance
2.24 Hysteresis Curve and Losses
Exercise Problems
3. Transformer
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Working Principle of Transformer
3.3 Transformer Flux
3.4 Construction of a Transformer
3.5 Ideal Transformer
3.6 E.M.F. Equation of Transformer
3.7 Turns Ratio of Transformer
3.8 Analysis of No-Load Phasor Diagram
3.9 Analysis of Load Phasor Diagram
3.10 Rules for Referring Impedance
3.11 Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer
3.12 Exact Equivalent Circuit
3.13 Approximate Equivalent Circuit
3.14 Polarity of a Transformer
3.15 Three-Phase Transformer
3.16 Transformer Vector Group
3.17 Voltage Regulation of a Transformer
3.18 Efficiency of a Transformer
3.19 Iron and Copper Losses
3.20 Maximum Efficiency
3.21 Transformer Tests
3.21.1 Open Circuit Test
3.21.2 Short Circuit Test
3.22 Autotransformer
3.23 Parallel Operation of a Single-Phase Transformer
3.23.1 Equal Voltage Ratio
3.23.2 Unequal Voltage Ratio
3.24 Three-Phase Transformer Connections
3.24.1 Wye-Wye Connection
3.24.2 Wye-Delta Connection
3.24.3 Delta-Wye Connection
3.24.4 Delta-Delta Connection
3.25 Instrument Transformers
3.26 Transformer Oil Testing and Cooling
3.27 All-Day Efficiency of Transformer
Exercise Problems
4. Direct Current Generators
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Electromagnetic Induction
4.3 Motional Voltage
4.4 Lenz’s Law
4.5 Working Principle
4.6 Construction of a DC Generator
4.7 Armature Coils and Windings
4.8 Induced EMF of a DC Generator
4.9 Classification of a DC Generator
4.10 Separately Excited DC Generator
4.11 Self-Excited DC Generator
4.12 Series Generator
4.13 Shunt Generator
4.14 Compound Generator
4.15 Saturation Curve of a DC Generator
4.16 Generator Build-Up Process
4.17 Voltage Build-Up Failure Reasons
4.18 Field Circuit Resistance Lines
4.19 Theory of Commutation
4.20 Armature Reaction
4.21 Demagnetizing and Cross-Magnetizing
4.22 Cancellation of Armature Reaction
4.23 Series Generator Characteristics
4.24 Shunt Generator Characteristics
4.25 Compound Generator Characteristics
4.26 Applications of a DC Generator
4.27 Voltage Regulation of DC Generator
4.28 Losses of a DC Generator
4.29 Efficiency of a DC Generator
4.30 Parallel Operation of a DC Generator
Exercise Problems
5. Direct Current Motors
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Working Principle
5.3 Construction
5.4 Back EMF
5.5 Necessity of Back EMF
5.6 Classification of a DC Motor
5.6.1 Shunt Motor
5.6.2 Series Motor
5.6.3 Compound Motor Short Shunt Compound Motor Long Shunt Compound Motor
5.7 Mechanical Power of a DC Motor
5.8 Torque of a DC Motor
5.8.1 Armature Torque
5.8.2 Shaft Torque
5.9 Speed of a DC Motor
5.10 Speed Regulation of a DC Motor
5.11 Losses in a DC Motor
5.12 Efficiency of a DC Motor
5.13 Characteristics of a DC Motor
5.14 Characteristics of a Shunt Motor
5.15 Characteristics of a Series Motor
5.16 Characteristics of a Cumulative Compound Motor
5.17 Comparison Between Generator and Motor
5.18 Application of DC Motors
Exercise Problems
6. Control and Starting of DC Motors
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Speed Controlling Parameters
6.3 Flux Control Method
6.4 Armature Control Method
6.5 Armature Voltage Control Method
6.6 Speed Control of a Series Motor
6.7 Ward Leonard System
6.8 Semiconductor Devices
6.9 Half-Wave Rectifier
6.10 Full-Wave Rectifier
6.10.1 Centre Tap Full-Wave Rectifier
6.10.2 Bridge Type Full-Wave Rectifier
6.11 Speed Control by Thyristor and Diode
6.12 Braking of a DC Motor
6.12.1 Plugging
6.12.2 Dynamic Braking
6.12.3 Regenerative Braking
6.13 DC Motor Starter
6.14 Three-Point Starter
6.15 Four-Point Starter
6.16 Grading of Starting Resistance
Exercise Problems
7. Three-Phase Induction Motor
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Construction
7.3 Working Principle
7.4 Rotating Field
7.5 Synchronous Speed and Slip Speed
7.6 Rotor Frequency and Speed
7.7 Rotor Voltage and Rotor Reactance
7.8 Rotor Torque
7.9 Starting Torque
7.10 Running Torque
7.11 Relationship Between Torques
7.12 Equivalent Circuit
7.12.1 Transformer Model of an Induction Motor
7.12.2 Rotor Circuit Model
7.12.3 IEEE Recommended Equivalent Circuit
7.12.4 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
7.13 Power Relationships
7.14 Approximate Equivalent Circuit
7.15 Condition for Maximum Mechanical Power
7.16 Power Stages
7.17 Torque-Slip Characteristics
7.18 Linear Induction Motor
7.19 Classification of Induction Motor by Properties
Exercise Problems
8 Starting and Control of an Induction Motor
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Direct Starting
8.3 Variable Resistance Starter
8.4 Autotransformer Starter
8.5 Star-Delta Starter
8.6 Simple Magnetic Starter
8.7 Forward-Reverse Starter
8.8 Cogging and Crawling
8.9 Importance of Deep Bar and Double Cage Rotor
8.10 Double Squirrel Cage Motor
8.11 Determination of Equivalent Circuit Parameters
8.11.1 Blocked Rotor Test
8.11.2 No-Load Test
8.12 Speed Control of Induction Motor
8.12.1 Frequency Control
8.12.2 Pole Changing
8.12.3 Cascade Arrangements
8.13 Automatic Star-Delta Starter
Exercise Problems
9. Synchronous Generator
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Construction
9.3 Pole and Frequency
9.4 Working Principle
9.5 Full-Pitch and Short-Pitch Windings
9.6 Pitch or Chording Factor
9.7 Distribution Factor
9.8 Effect of Harmonics on Pitch and Distribution Factors
9.9 EMF Equation of an Alternator
9.10 Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Generator
9.11 Phasor Diagrams
9.11.1 Unity Power Factor Phasor Diagram
9.11.2 Lagging Power Factor Phasor Diagram
9.11.3 Leading Power Factor Phasor Diagram
9.12 Voltage Regulation
9.13 Tests of a Synchronous Generator
9.13.1 Determination of Resistance
9.13.2 Open Circuit Test
9.13.3 Short Circuit Test
9.14 Power and Torque Expressions
9.15 Salient Pole Synchronous Generator
9.16 Power of a Salient Pole Generator
9.17 Parallel Operation of an Alternator
9.18 Load Sharing of Alternators
9.19 Synchronization of Alternators
9.20 Capability Curve of Alternators
Exercise Problems
10. Synchronous Motor
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Construction
10.3 Working Principle
10.4 Starting of Synchronous Motor
10.5 Equivalent Circuit
10.6 Phasor Diagrams
10.6.1 Unity Power Factor
10.6.2 Lagging Power Factor
10.6.3 Leading Power Factor
10.7 Synchronous Impedance Diagrams
10.8 Effect of Different Field Excitations
10.8.1 Critical Excitation
10.8.2 Under-Excitation
10.8.3 Over-Excitation
10.9 Power of Cylindrical Rotor
10.10 Various Conditions of Power
10.11 Phasor Diagrams of Salient Pole Motor
10.12 Power Expression of Salient Pole Motor
10.13 V-Curves of a Synchronous Motor
10.14 Power Factor Correction
10.15 Hunting of a Synchronous Motor
10.16 Applications of Synchronous Motor
10.17 Comparison of Synchronous Motor and Induction Motor
Exercise Problems
11. Single-Phase Induction Motors
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Construction and Synchronous Speed
11.3 Double Revolving Field Theory
11.4 Working Principle
11.5 Slip
11.6 Equivalent Circuit
11.7 Classification of a Single-Phase Motor
11.8 Starting of Single-Phase Motors
11.8.1 Split-Phase Motor
11.8.2 Capacitor Start Motor
11.8.3 Capacitor Start and Capacitor Run Motor
11.8.4 Capacitor Run Motor
11.8.5 Shaded Pole Motor
11.9 AC Series Motor
11.10 Reluctance and Hysteresis Motors
11.10.1 Reluctance Motor
11.10.2 Hysteresis Motor
11.11 Test of a Single-Phase Motor
11.11.1 Blocked Rotor Test
11.11.2 No-Load Test
11.12 Stepper Motor
11.13 Step Angle of Stepper Motor
11.14 Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor
11.15 Variable-Reluctance Stepper Motor
11.16 Hybrid Stepper Motor
Exercise Problems

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