Handbook of Formulating Dermal Applications
| A Definitive Practical Guide Edited Nava Dayan Copyright: 2016 | Status: Published ISBN: 9781119363620 | Hardcover | 698 pages Price: $246.00 USD |
One Line DescriptionThe only book that provides comprehensive knowledge about the variety of aspects related to the development of skin care products: ingredients, properties, testing, assessment, problem solving strategies, ideas, practical aspects.
The Handbook will be of essential importance to formulation chemists in the pharamceutical sciences and cosmetics/personal care fields. Dermatologists and other R & D scientists involved with pharma topicals, Rx, OTC, dermal and transdermal, as well as medical devices will be frequent users of the book, Cosmetics/personal care business personal working on regulatory issues, marketing and sales, business development will find the handbook to be very informative.
DescriptionThe conceptualization and formulation of skin care products intended for topical use is a multifaceted and evolving area of science. Formulators must account for myriad skin
types, emerging opportunities for product development as well as a very temperamental retail market.
Originally published as “Apply Topically” in 2013 (now out of print), this reissued detailed and comprehensive handbook offers a practical approach to the formulation chemist’s day-to-day endeavors by:
• Addressing the innumerable challenges facing the chemist both in design and at the bench, such as formulating with/for specific properties; formulation, processing and
production techniques; sensory and elegancy; stability and preservation; color cosmetics; sunscreens
• Offering valuable guidance to troubleshooting issues regarding ingredient selection and interaction, regulatory concerns that must be addressed early in development, and the extrapolation of preservative systems, fragrances, stability and texture aids
• Exploring the advantages and limitations of raw materials
• Addressing scale-up and pilot production process and concerns
• Testing and measurements methods.
The 22 chapters written by industry experts such as Roger L. McMullen, Paul Thau, Hemi Nae, Ada Polla, Howard Epstein, Joseph Albanese, Mark Chandler, Steve Herman, Gary
Kelm, Patricia Aikens, and Sam Shefer, along with many others, give the reader and user the ultimate handbook on topical product development.
Back to Top Author / Editor DetailsNava Dayan Ph.D. Pharm has 26 years of experience in the skin care segment, and has more than 150 publication credits in numerous industry-respected journals and four books. She has been awarded the In-Cosmetics Gold Award for innovation and commensurate recognition from the NYSCC and the CRS for excellence. Dr. Dayan is the owner of Dr.
Nava Dayan L.L.C, a skin science and research consultancy serving the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and personal care industries; dermal and transdermal. Her services include
product feasibility in skin care, composition of R&D plans covering efficacy and toxicology; planning, execution and data interpretation into claims, formulations, delivery for improved efficacy and attenuated toxicity. Sample of expertise includes: drug-skin interaction, bio-markers (genomics and proteomics), skin/age related sensitivities,
inflammatory skin disorders, innate immunity and skin microbiome.
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