Photovoltaic Modeling Handbook
 | Edited by Monika Freunek Müller
Copyright: 2018 | Status: Published ISBN: 9781119363521 | Hardcover | 282 pages | 113 illustrations Price: $195 USD |
One Line DescriptionThe main goal of the book is to give scientists and practioners a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art models of all relevant photovoltaic technologies and detail models enabling realistic efficiency calculations and reliable product design.
The book will be read and used by both academic researchers working on photovoltaic cells and modules, as well as industrial engineers involved in the production and simulation of photovoltaic cells and modules.
DescriptionPhotovoltaic Modeling Handbook provides the reader with a solid understanding of the modeling of photovoltaic devices, from very fundamental theoretic investigations to numerical simulations based on ray tracing and experimental values. The book covers both standard applications, models, new approaches and fields of research such as perovskite materials. Recognized subject-matter experts have written the chapters and they refer to simulation software and the basic literature of the field.
This groundbreaking book guides the reader to their specific application with solid background information in hand and an assessment of which materials might be appropriate. Specifically, the book covers:
• The physics of photovoltaics and the material independent efficiency limits of photovoltaic devices;
• A detailed model of a silicon-based photovoltaic module and a profound introduction to ray-tracing methods for optical numerical models;
• Numerical modeling methods and results pertaining to amorphous silicon;
• The modeling of organic semiconductors as well as an introduction to kinetic Monte Carlo methods to simulate the dynamics in organic semiconductor devices;
• Reviews a few theories on modeling the device physics of chalcogenide thin-film solar cells such as CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 (or CIGS) devices;
• Shows the modeling of stacked multi-material solar cells for ultra-high irradiance applications;
• Details the influence of spectral variations both theoretically and experimentally with a special focus on outdoor applications;
• A discussion on indoor applications and shows the resulting ideal choice of materials and the enhanced indoor efficiencies.
Back to Top Author / Editor DetailsMonika Freunek (Müller), studied Mechatronic and Product Engineering at the Universities of Applied Sciences of Bielefeld and Furtwangen, Germany from 2002-2006. After graduation and postdoctoral research at IBM Research Zurich, she worked as a researcher and co-founder of a start-up. Monika Freunek is now at BKW, Switzerland, as an energy specialist. Her mainfocus in research is modeling of energy and photovoltaic systems under different application conditions. She is an expert in indoor photovoltaics.
Back to TopTable of Contents1 Introduction
Monika Freunek Mller
2 Fundamental Limits of Solar Energy Conversion
Thorsten Trupke and Peter Wrfel
3 Optical Modeling of Photovoltaic Modules with Ray Tracing Simulations
Carsten Schinke, Malte R.Vogt and Karsten Bothe
4 Optical Modelling and Simulations of Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells
Janez Krc, Martin Sever, Benjamin Lipovsek, Andrej Campa and Marko Topic
5 Modelling of Organic Photovoltaics
Ian R. Thompson
6 Modeling the Device Physics of Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells
Nima E. Gorji and Lindsay Kuhn
7 Temperature and Irradiance Dependent Efficiency Model for GaInP-GaInAs-Ge Multijunction Solar Cells
Monika Freunek Mueller, Bruno Michel and Harold J. Hovel
8 Variation of Output with Environmental Factors
Youichi Hirata, Yuzuru Ueda, Shinichiro Oke and Naotoshi Sekiguchi
9 Modeling of Indoor Photovoltaic Devices
Monika Freunek Mller
10 Modelling Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells
James M. Cave and Alison B. Walker
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