Data Science Handbook
One Line DescriptionThis desk reference handbook gives a hands-on experience on different
algorithms and popular techniques used in real-time in data
science to all researchers working in various domains.
The handbook will be used by graduate students up to research scholars in
computer science and electrical engineering as well as industry professionals in
a range of industries such as healthcare.
DescriptionData Science is one of the leading research-driven areas in the modern era. It
is having a critical role in healthcare, engineering, education, mechatronics,
and medical robotics. Building models and working with data is not valueneutral.
We choose the problems with which we work, make assumptions in
these models, and decide on metrics and algorithms for the problems. The data
scientist identifies the problem which can be solved with data and expert tools
of modeling and coding.
The book starts with introductory concepts in data science like data munging,
data preparation, and transforming data. Chapter 2 discusses data visualization,
drawing various plots and histograms. Chapter 3 covers mathematics and statistics
for data science. Chapter 4 mainly focuses on machine learning algorithms in
data science. Chapter 5 comprises of outlier analysis and DBSCAN algorithm.
Chapter 6 focuses on clustering. Chapter 7 discusses network analysis. Chapter
8 mainly focuses on regression and naive-bayes classifier. Chapter 9 covers
web-based data visualizations with Plotly. Chapter 10 discusses web scraping.
The book concludes with a section discussing 19 projects on various subjects in
data science.
Back to Top Author / Editor DetailsKolla Bhanu Prakash, PhD, is a Professor and Research Group Head for A.I. & Data Science Research group at K L University, India. He has published more
than 80 research papers in international and national journals and conferences,
as well as authored/edited 12 books and seven patents. His research interests
include deep learning, data science, and quantum computing.
Back to TopTable of ContentsAcknowledgment
1. Data Munging Basics1 Introduction
1.1 Filtering and Selecting Data
1.2 Treating Missing Values
1.3 Removing Duplicates
1.4 Concatenating and Transforming Data
1.5 Grouping and Data Aggregation
2. Data Visualization2.1 Creating Standard Plots (Line, Bar, Pie)
2.2 Defining Elements of a Plot
2.3 Plot Formatting
2.4 Creating Labels and Annotations
2.5 Creating Visualizations from Time Series Data
2.6 Constructing Histograms, Box Plots, and Scatter Plots
3. Basic Math and Statistics3.1 Linear Algebra
3.2 Calculus
3.2.1 Differential Calculus
3.2.2 Integral Calculus
3.3 Inferential Statistics
3.3.1 Central Limit Theorem
3.3.2 Hypothesis Testing
3.3.3 ANOVA
3.3.4 Qualitative Data Analysis
3.4 Using NumPy to Perform Arithmetic Operations on Data
3.5 Generating Summary Statistics Using Pandas and Scipy
3.6 Summarizing Categorical Data Using Pandas
3.7 Starting with Parametric Methods in Pandas and Scipy
3.8 Delving Into Non-Parametric Methods Using Pandas and Scipy
3.9 Transforming Dataset Distributions
4. Introduction to Machine Learning4.1 Introduction to Machine Learning
4.2 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
4.3 Explanatory Factor Analysis
4.4 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
5. Outlier Analysis5.1 Extreme Value Analysis Using Univariate Methods
5.2 Multivariate Analysis for Outlier Detection
5.3 DBSCan Clustering to Identify Outliers
6. Cluster Analysis6.1 K-Means Algorithm
6.2 Hierarchial Methods
6.3 Instance-Based Learning w/ k-Nearest Neighbor
7. Network Analysis with NetworkX7.1 Working with Graph Objects
7.2 Simulating a Social Network (ie; Directed Network Analysis)
7.3 Analyzing a Social Network
8. Basic Algorithmic Learning8.1 Linear Regression
8.2 Logistic Regression
8.3 Naive Bayes Classifiers
9. Web-Based Data Visualizations with Plotly9.1 Collaborative Aanalytics
9.2 Basic Charts
9.3 Statistical Charts
9.4 Plotly Maps
10. Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup10.1 The BeautifulSoup Object
10.2 Exploring NavigableString Objects
10.3 Data Parsing
10.4 Web Scraping
10.5 Ensemble Models with Random Forests
Data Science Projects
11. Covid19 Detection and PredictionBibliography
12. Leaf Disease DetectionBibliography
13. Brain Tumor Detection with Data ScienceBibliography
14. Color Detection with PythonBibliography
15. Detecting Parkinson’s DiseaseBibliography
16. Sentiment AnalysisBibliography
17. Road Lane Line DetectionBibliography
18. Fake News DetectionBibliography
19. Speech Emotion RecognitionBibliography
20. Gender and Age Detection with Data ScienceBibliography
21. Diabetic RetinopathyBibliography
22. Driver Drowsiness Detection in PythonBibliography
23. Chatbot Using PythonBibliography
24. Handwritten Digit Recognition ProjectBibliography
25. Image Caption Generator Project in PythonBibliography
26. Credit Card Fraud Detection ProjectBibliography
27. Movie Recommendation SystemBibliography
28. Customer SegmentationBibliography
29. Breast Cancer ClassificationBibliography
30. Traffic Signs RecognitionBibliography
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