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The Greening of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Volume 4

Applications for Physical Disorder Treatments
By M. R. Islam, J. Monaf, and A. O. Islam
Copyright: 2022   |   Status: Published
ISBN: 9781119183778  |  Hardcover  |  
771 pages
Price: $275 USD
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One Line Description
This fourth volume in a groundbreaking new four-volume set offers new philosophies and ideas for diagnosing and treating physical disorders, with a view toward bringing the pharmaceutical industry closer to chemical, environmental, and economic sustainability.

Biomedical engineers, scientists, pharmacologists, medical doctors, alternate medicine practitioners, other health care professionals, students of health care profession, and any person interested in holistic approach to sustainable living

This fourth and final volume in a four-volume series on the greening of pharmaceutical engineering presents evidence for the applications of new theories advanced in the first two volumes. Similar to the Volume three, which was for mental health, this volume presents applications for the diagnosis and treatment of physical disorders. Based on the groundwork laid in the first two volumes, the authors now embark on significant, real-life scenarios that apply their theory to physical disorder treatments. In keeping with the tradition of engineering solutions, practical yet sustainable solutions are presented.

The fundamental flaws of the conventional approach to medicine is well known. However, this book does not stop at unearthing criticism of western medicine. It offers hope and recommends a series of solutions for both prevention and treatment of physical ailments. Both evidence in studies and the theory behind various treatments are analyzed. Furthermore, food and energy sources are discussed in general as they both directly impact human health. Physical and emotional activities are the other tangible and intangible factors that play a role in human health are discussed.

All major diseases, scientific diagnoses, and their common treatments are presented and analyzed. Recommendations for lifestyle changes that could prevent and reverse syndromes are discussed with comprehensive analysis and evidence in medicinal studies. Seasonal flus as well as Covid-19 and other recent viruses with deadly consequences are discussed and ways to manage them through diet, exercises, and meditation are presented. Treatment plans, along with food recipes for specific ailments are presented with discussion of the logic behind these remedies. Valuable as a learning tool for beginners in this area as well as a daily reference for engineers and scientists working in these areas, this is a must-have for any library.

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Author / Editor Details
M. R. Islam, PhD, is the president of Emertec Research and Development Ltd. He formerly served as Canada’s first Killam Chair in petroleum engineering at Dalhousie University and first NRCan Professor at the University of Regina. Dr. Islam is known as the most published engineer in the world. He has coined terms such as “green petroleum,” “sustainable petroleum development,” “economics of intangibles,” “zero waste engineering,” and many more. His work has created a paradigm shift in a wide range of applications, spanning various disciplines. His most notable contribution is in the areas sustainability, environmental integrity, greening of petroleum and pharmaceutical industries, and knowledge modeling, on which topic he has written dozens of books and nearly 800 research papers. For the last two years, his main focus has been the creation of the world’s first research university with global reach. This fully online university, to be called Nature Science University will be housed in Canada with affiliations from around the world.

Jahanara Monaf, MD, practices in the UK and Australia and is registered in the divisions of acupuncture, Hijama, Chinese herbal medicine, and Chinese herbal dispensing. She owns and directs her own clinics where she is the senior doctor. During her nearly 20 years of practice, she has helped thousands of patients with a wide range of ailments.

A. O. Islam is a research associate at Emertec R&D Ltd. Nanomaterials, modeling of both high- and low-energy spectrum in medical applications, and new theories of human-machine interfaces are some of his research interests. He has co-authored one book, published by Wiley-Scrivener.

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Table of Contents
1. Summary: Because No One Else Isn’t Talking Cure

1.1 Opening Statement: Your Life, Your Health
1.2 Money God’s New Trinity: Money, Medicine, and Food
1.3 Honey—>Sugar —>Saccharine —>Aspartame (HSSA) Degradation All the Way to the Great Reset of World Governance
1.4 Roller Coaster Ride, Spiralling Down to Nothingness
1.5 Healing Starts Logical Thinking and Good Intention
1.6 Aphenomenal Model: Iraq Invasion
1.7 Health Care As In War on Terror
1.7.1 The Cuomo Factor: Turning a Profiteer into a Prophet
1.7.2 Every Story Is a Planted Story
1.8 Trump Derangement Syndrome and Trump’s Fakenews: Real Collusion between Big Pharma and MSM
1.8.1 US Presidency and Unique Features of Donald Trump
1.8.2 Trump vs the ‘Enemy of the People’ and the Big Pharma
1.8.3 No Ordinary Liar
1.8.4 Fact-Checking – Another Crack at Disinformation
1.8.5 Trump’s war on Big Pharma
1.9 Funding The Big Lies
1.10 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.10.1 Science vs. $cience History vs. Hi$tory
1.11 Chapter 2: The Science of COVID-19 Pandemic
1.11.1 What Happened to Nuremberg Code Human Rights? What Happened to Constitution?
1.11.2 Hippocrates Oath or hypocrites’ vow?
1.12 Chapter 3: Reconstructing Human Physiology
1.13 Chapter 4: Kidney Bladder Relationship And Its Role On Health And Illness
1.14 Chapter 5 Reversing Symptoms of Cough and Fever with Cupping
1.15 Chapter 6 Selected Acupuncture Points and Analysis of Their Chinese Names
1.16 Chapter 7. Treatment of Cancer-Related Pain with Acupuncture
1.17 Chapter 8 Fertility And Recurring Miscarriage
1.18 Chapter 9 Food for the Body and the Soul: A Collection of Recipes and Food Energetics
1.19 Chapter 10 Practical Recommendations
2. The Science of COVID-19 Pandemic
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Opening Remarks
2.1.2 Face Masks
2.1.3 Social Distancing
2.1.4 Contact Tracing
2.2 Cesspool of False Premises
2.2.1 Assumption 1: The Method of Counting COVID Deaths is Sensible and Accurate
2.2.2 Assumption 2: The PCR Test for COVID is Accurate
2.2.3 Assumption 3: The Antibody Test for COVID is Accurate
2.2.4 Assumption 4: The COVID Case Count is Rising
2.2.5 Assumption 5: Thermal Imaging/Screening for COVID is Effective
2.2.6 Assumption 6: Asymptomatic People Can Spread the Disease
2.2.7 Assumption 7: Making Schools Adopt Insanely Restrictive Measures Will Stop COVID Spread
2.2.8 Assumption 8: It’s a Good Idea for Government to Take (read Abduct) Kids from COVID-Positive Parents
2.2.9 Assumption 9: Social Distancing is Backed by Solid Scientific Evidence
2.2.10 Assumption 10: Mask Wearing for Healthy People is Backed by Solid Scientific Evidence
2.2.11 Assumption 11: We Live in a World of Indiscriminate Killer Viruses
2.3 Current State of Economic Extremism
2.4 COVID-19 Pandemic: The Folly of The New Dogma
2.5 Timeline of Covid-19 Pandemic
2.6 Timeline in New York
2.7 Vaccine Disinformation
2.8 Vaccination, the New Bioweapon
2.8.1 A Word about Vaccine and Immunization
2.8.2 Vaccine Injuries
2.8.3 Ineffective at Best
2.9 Overall Commentary on Government Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
2.9.1 OCLA Report 2020-1 | April 2020
2.9.2 OCLA Report 2021-1 | February 2021
2.9.3 OCLA, 2021a,
2.9.4 OCLA Report 2021b, Analysis of All-Cause Mortality by Week in Canada 2010- 2021, by Province, Age and Sex
2.9.5 Omicron
2.9.6 Pfizer CEO: A New Vaccine will be available by March
2.9.7 By-Product of Covid Hysteria
2.10 Science of Vaccines
2.11 TCM Treatment of COVID-19
2.11.1 Background
2.11.2 The Successful Experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Containing Pestilence
2.11.3 Chinese Protocol for Treatment of COVID-19
2.11.4 Current Status of Clinical Studies on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for COVID-19
2.11.5 Overview of Registered Clinical Studies
2.11.6 Discussion
2.12 TCM Therapeutic For COVID-19
2.13 Conclusions
3. Reconstructing Human Physiology
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 History of Health
3.2 Science of Physiology
3.2.1 Evidence from Ancient Medicinal Practices
3.3 Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Anatomy and Functions of the Arteries
3.3.3 Emotions involved with the Heart
3.4 Introduction to TCM
3.4.1 Zang Organs The Heart The Lung The Liver The Spleen The Kidney
3.4.2 Food Energetic and Health
3.4.3 Biological Clock
3.5 TCM and Heart-The Monarch Organ
3.5.1 Was the Yellow Emperor A Prophet?
3.5.2 Most Notable Work of the Yellow Emperor
3.5.3 Purpose of Life
3.5.4 Yin Yang Theory
3.5.5 Zang-Fu Theory
3.6 A Matter of Heart
3.6.1 The Shen
3.7 Conclusions
4. Kidney Bladder Relationship and Its Role on Health and Illness
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Opening Remarks
4.1.2 Kidney the Water Element
4.2 Water, Death and Lifestyle
4.3 Role of Water in Bodily Functions
4.4 A Relevant Anecdote
4.5 Zang Fu Organs
4.6 The Golden Standard
4.7 The Second Creation: The Earth Spleen
4.8 The Kidney and the Bladder
4.9 Heart Kidney Interactions
4.10 The Relationship Between Kidney & Bladder
4.11 Immunity and Kidney
4.12 A Review of Modern Immunology
4.13 The Fantasy of Autoimmune Disease (as related to New Science)
4.13.1 Perceived Malfunctioning of the Immune System
4.13.2 Deconstruction of Autoimmune Disorder
4.13.3 Role of Viruses
4.14 Kidney Bladder Discussion
4.14.1 The Immune Function in TCM
4.14.2 The Bladder
4.14.3 Prevention Perspectives
4.15 Case Studies
4.15.1 Qi and Diseases
4.15.2 Kidney Stores Essence Theory
4.15.3 Kidney Essence, Qigong, and Diabetes
4.15.4 Kidney Essence and Reproduction
4.15.5 Silicosis and Qi Deficiency
4.16 Case Studies on Gynecological Issues
4.17 Conclusions
5. Reversing Symptoms of Cough and Fever with Cupping
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Science of Cupping
5.2.1 Science of Water and Energy
5.2.2 The Avalanche Theory of Mass and Energy
5.3 The Process of Cupping
5.3.1 Importance of Natural Material
5.3.2 The Mechanism Pain-Gate Theory (PGT) Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNICs) Reflex Zone Theory (RZT) Release of Nitric Oxide Theory Activation of Immune System Theory Blood Detoxification Theory
5.4 Common Cold, Cough and Fever
5.4.1 Maintaining Balance of Qi
5.4.2 Types of Cough
5.5 Cupping Therapy
5.6 Coughing in Traditional Chinese Medicine
5.6.1 Invasion of External Pathogens Wind Cold Heat Dryness Dampness Summer Heat
5.6.2 Internal Health Problems
5.7 The Lung and the Defensive Qi
5.8 Reversing Symptoms of Cough and Fever
5.9 Conclusions
6. Selected Acupuncture Points and Analysis of Their Chinese Names
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The History of Acupuncture
6.3 Science of the Chinese Names
6.4 Names of Selected Points and Relation to Their Functions
6.4.1 Zhong Fu, Central Treasury, 中府
6.4.2 Lung 2: LU 2 YouMen, The Gate of Breath or Clouds, 雲
6.4.3 LU 3 TianFu: Heavenly Storehouse, 天府
6.4.4 LU 4: Xia Bai, Valiant White, 俠白
6.4.5 LU 5: ChiZe, Measurable Marshland, 尺澤
6.4.6 LU 6 KongZui, Concentrating Hole, 孔最
6.4.7 LU 7 Broken Sequence, Lie Que, 列缺
6.4.8 LU 8 JingGu, Purifying Channel, 經渠
6.4.9 LU 9: Tai Yuan, Great Abyss, 太淵
6.4.10 LU 10: YuJi, the Border between Yang and Yin (Fish Border), 魚際
6.4.11 LU 11: • Lesser Shang/metal, Shao Shang, 少商
6.4.12 Bladder 2 – zan zhu – Gathering Bamboo
6.4.13 Heart 1 – ji quan – Highest Spring
6.4.14 Governing Vessel 4 – ming men – Vitality Gate
6.4.15 Bladder 57 – cheng shan – Mountain Support
6.4.16 Large Intestine Channel: LI4, Hegu, Joining Valley, Union of the Valleys
6.4.17 Stomach Channel: ST36, Zusanli
6.4.18 SP6, Sanyinjiao, 三陰交.Three Yin Intersection.
6.4.19 Gallbladder Channel: GB20, Fengchi, 風池., Wind Pool
6.4.20 Pericardium Channel: PC6, Neiguan, Inner Pass
6.4.21 Liver Channel: LV3, Taichong, 太沖, the Great Surge
6.4.22 Heart Channel: HT7, Shenmen, Shen Men ·Chinese Character: 神門, Gate of spirit
6.4.23 Urinary Bladder Channel: BL40, Weizhong, 委中 (wei zhong / wĕi zhōng ), Middle of the Crook
6.4.24 Kidney Channel: KD3, Taixi, 太谿, Great Ravine.
6.4.25 Governing Vessel: DU14, Da zhui, Great Vertebra/Great Hammer
6.4.26 KD 6: Zhaoha,i照海, Shining Sea
6.4.27 Lv8: Qu Quan, 曲泉, Spring at the Bend
6.4.28 DU 20, Bai Hui,百會, Hundred convergences
6.4.29 Anmian (安眠), Peaceful Sleep
6.4.30 Other Points of Interest
Chapter 6 Appendix-All Acupuncture Points Another Perspective
7. Treatment of Cancer-Related Pain with Acupuncture
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Cause of Cancer
7.2.1 Pain and Cancer
7.2.2 Diabetes
7.2.3 Chronic Infections
7.3 Honey and Cancer
7.3.1 Natural anti-inflammatory agent
7.3.2 Honey as Natural Antimicrobial
7.3.3 Honey as Natural Cancer “Vaccine”
7.3.4 Honey’s Potential in “Cancer Therapy”
7.4 Cancer and Pain
7.4.1 Sources of Cancer Pain Pain from Cancer Itself Offset of Spinal Cord Compression Bone Pain Surgical Pain Phantom Pain Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments Pain in Hematological Malignancies Adjuvant Therapy
7.5 Acupuncture and Cancer Pain
7.5.1 The Science of Acupuncture
7.5.2 Evidence for the Effectiveness of Acupuncture
7.5.3 Conflicting Evidence from Published Literature Evidence and Clinical Applications of Acupuncture for Cancer Pain and
Related Symptoms Acupuncture for Postoperative Pain in Cancer Patients Acupuncture for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer Patients Acupuncture for Opioid-Induced Constipation in Cancer Patients Acupuncture for Opioid-Induced Pruritus Acupuncture for Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Acupuncture for Aromatase Inhibitor-Associated Joint Pain Acupuncture for Neck Dissection Related Pain and Dysfunction in Cancer Patients
7.5.10 Making Sense of Evidence from Clinical Research
7.6 Improvement of Quality of life
7.7 Western Medicinal Solution to Cancer Pain
7.7.1 Chemicals used in Western Medicine Opioids
7.7.2 Fertility Issues in Girls and Women with Cancer
7.7.3 Moderate to Severe Pain
7.8 Usefulness of Natural Metallic Compounds
7.9 TCM Treatment of Cancer
7.10 Overall Recommendations
7.10.1 Short-Term Pain Reduction 4-gates Nausea and Similar Effects Specific Syndrome and Expulsion of ‘Evils’ of Western Medicine Sunnah Points of Hijama Tonify Vital Organs that are Deficient Strengthening Heart and Kidney Pairing
7.11 Conclusions
Appendix-Chapter 7
Appendix-B Chapter 7: Most Commonly used Points
Nine Needles for Returning the Yang
8. Fertility and Recurring Miscarriages
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Science of Miscarriage
8.2.1 Historical Narrative
8.2.2 Tian gui 天 癸 – 7 Years Cycle
8.2.3 Miscarriage in TCM Producing Menses Cultivating the Fetus
8.2.4 Stages of Foetal Development Nutfa amshaj Khalk Taqdir Harth Creation (Takhliq) The Organ System in Chinese Medicine & Its Role in Menstruation Analysis using Five Element Theory
8.2.5 Hijama (Wet cupping)
8.2.6 Localization of Mu and Shu Points by Ancient Literature Sources Shu Points
8.3 Case Study 1
8.3.1 Background
8.3.2 A Word About Laparoscopic Myomectomy
8.3.3 A Word about Endometriosis Preclinical Studies
8.3.4 A Word about Norethisterone
8.3.5 TCM Diagnosis
8.3.6 Treatment Principle
8.3.7 Discussion
8.4 Case Study 2
8.4.1 Background
8.4.2 Analysis
8.4.3 TCM Diagnosis
8.4.4 Treatment Principles
8.4.5 Expected Results
8.5 Conclusions
9. Food for the Body and the Soul: A Collection of Recipies and Food Energetics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Living in Harmony with Nature
9.2.1 Winter
9.2.2 Spring
9.2.3 Summer
9.2.4 Things begin to Fall and Mature in Autumn
9.3 Yin Nourishing Food
9.4 Yang Nourishing Food
9.5 Nourishing Qi
9.6 Nourishing Blood
9.7 Nourishing Spleen
9.8 Nourishing Lung
9.9 Nourishing Liver
9.10 Nourishing Kidney
9.11 Nourishing Heart
9.12 Harmonizing Kidney And Heart
9.13 Harmonise Spleen and Liver
9.14 Harmonise Lung and Kidney
9.15 Miscellaneous
9.15.1 TCM Fertility Diet
9.15.2 Bottle Gourd and Tofu Curry
9.15.3 Tangerine Peels
9.15.4 Spleen Nourishing Congee
10. Practical Recommendations
10.1 Backache: Lower Back Pain
10.2 Black Seed
10.3 Bloating
10.4 Blood Test Results
10.5 Cancer
10.6 Cancer Misdiagnosis
10.7 Cholesterol & Tumour Markers
10.8 Cholesterol
10.9 Cleaning Spray
10.10 Common Cold, Flu and Covid-19
10.11 Covid-19
10.12 Dental Health
10.13 Detox
10.14 Digestion: Improve Gut Health with Cardamom and Ginger Tea
10.15 Digestive Support
10.16 Digestion: Strong Digestion Equal Strong Immunity
10.17 Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
10.18 Eyes
10.19 Fatigue, Anxiety
10.20 Fear: Fight Fear with these Kidney Points
10.21 Feminine Hygiene
10.22 Fertility and Progesterone
10.23 Food Colouring
10.24 Food Contamination
10.25 Grounding at Times of Fear and Anxiety
10.26 High Blood Pressure
10.27 Healthy Boundaries
10.28 Hormonal Imbalance
10.29 Immunity
10.30 Kidneys and Fear
10.31 Kidneys – How to Strengthen Them
10.32 Liver Detox
10.33 Lip balm
10.34 Liver diseases
10.35 Men’s Health – Top Herbs
10.36 Men’s Health
10.37 Overweight
10.38 Pile (Haemoroid)
10.39 Sinusitis
10.40 Sugar Addiction
10.41 Shingles
10.42 Thyroid Problem
10.43 Thyroidism
10.44 Ultrasound During Pregnancy
10.45 Water Retention
10.46 Worry Can Bring You Down
10.47 Worry and Anxiety
References and Bibliography
Chapter 2 Appendix A: Timeline for Covid Vaccine Planted Stories
Chapter 6 Appendix A: Fundamental Concepts of Yin Yang, Qi, and Meridian Flow
Appendix 6B: Important Points for Treatment

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