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Vendor Return Policy

Vendor Return Policy Conditions
Scrivener Publishing accepts returns under the following conditions from North American vendors. Vendors located outside of North America please contact the publisher.

Download the Return Policy in MS Word or PDF.

1) The book(s) must be in mint condition so they can be resold. Therefore, it is crucial that the vendor packs them up carefully with sufficient padding in a jiffy bag or sturdy box.

2) The vendor must first contact the publisher for a Return Merchanidise Authorization (RMA). At that time, the vendor will have to declare that the books are in a mint condition. Click here to download our RMA form in MS Word or PDF.

3) Books can be returned up to 9 months of date of invoice or within 6 months of an out of print declaration.

4) Once an RMA has been issued the vendor has 30 days to get the return to our warehouse otherwise they will not be accepted.

5) More than 3 RMA’s per calendar month from any vendor will result in a $20.00 handling fee.

6) Full credit will be given on returns that comply with our conditions. Credit will be issued once the returns have been received and checked.

7) Vendors have 1 month from date of invoice to return damaged copies for a full credit. NO CREDIT WILL BE ISSUED FOR DAMAGED COPIES SENT AFTER 1 MONTH.

8) All returns must be sent by a traceable service so dates and movement can be tracked.

9) All vendors must sign our Return Policy form.

10) The Publisher reserves the right to adapt these conditions on a need basis.

June, 2009