Series Editor(s): Dr. Rishabha Malviya School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India Scope: This series will explore innovative therapeutic modalities alongside diagnostics, including laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, biomedical nanoengineering, and the 3D printing of organs, which are transforming treatment approaches. The discussion will encompass sensor-based technologies and diagnostic chips that enable real-time health monitoring and early disease detection. Drug repurposing is an economical strategy for discovering new applications for already established medications, and it will be examined as a method to expedite the development of treatments. Biomedical engineering, especially regarding theranostic applications, will be a key focus, demonstrating the integration of diagnostics and therapeutics in personalized medicine. This approach will enable researchers, clinicians, and biomedical scientists to develop a comprehensive understanding of how various methodologies can be utilized to enhance patient outcomes. About the Series Editor(s): Submission to the series: Published and Forthcoming Titles |