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Series: Advances in Cyber Security

Series Editor(s): Rashmi Agrawal and D. Ganesh Gopal

Scope: Scope: The purpose of this book series is to present books that are specifically designed to address the critical security challenges in today's computing world including cloud and mobile environments and to discuss mechanisms for defending against those attacks by using classical and modern approaches of cryptography, blockchain and other defense mechanisms. The book series presents some of the state-of-the-art research work in the field of blockchain, cryptography and security in computing and communications. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, practitioners, graduates, and doctoral students who are working in the field of blockchain, cryptography, network security, and security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities. The book series provides a comprehensive look at the various facets of cloud security: infrastructure, network, services, compliance and users. It will provide real-world case studies to articulate the real and perceived risks and challenges in deploying and managing services in a cloud infrastructure from a security perspective. The book series will serve as a platform for books dealing with security concerns of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that operate on an open blockchain. The book series will be a comprehensive and up-to-date reference on information security and assurance. Bringing together the knowledge, skills, techniques, and tools required of IT security professionals, it facilitates the up-to-date understanding required to stay one step ahead of evolving threats, standards, and regulations.

About the Series Editor(s):
Dr. Rashmi Agrawal is PhD and UGC-NET qualified with 18+ years of experience in teaching and research, working as Professor in Department of Computer Applications, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, India. She is associated with various professional bodies in different capacity, life member of Computer Society of India, senior member IEEE, ACM CSTA and senior member of Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI). She is book series editor of Innovations in Big Data and Machine Learning, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, USA. She has authored/ coauthored many research papers in peer reviewed national/international journals and conferences which are SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS indexed. She has also edited/authored books with national/international publishers (Pringer, Elsevier, IGI Global, Apple Academic Press, and CRC Press) and contributed chapters in books edited by Springer, IGI global, Elsevier and CRC Press. Currently she is guiding PhD scholars in Sentiment Analysis, Educational Data Mining, Internet of Things, Brain Computer Interface, Web Service Architecture and Natural language Processing. She is also an active reviewer and editorial board member in various journals of repute.

Dr.Ganesh Gopal received his PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from VIT University, Vellore, India, 2015. He has more than 13 years of Research and Teaching Experience in the domain of Computer Science and Engineering. Currently he is a Professor in School of Computing Science & Engineering, Galgotias University, India. He is currently supervising 5 M.Tech students and guiding 3 PhD students. His research interest includes Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Communication, Vehicular Communication and Big Data. He has received from VIT University a research award as one of the top performer for 3 consecutive years 2015, 2016 & 2017. He has published papers in several international conferences and journals. He has contributed his ideas and shared his research experience as Technical Programme Committee (TPC) member, Programme Committee member and Session Chair member in premium international conferences. He has given key note addresses in many international conferences He has acted as accreditation consultant for ABET, BRICS and QS world ranking for several institutions across India. He has edited many special issues in reputed journals. He is a reviewer in some of the Q1 Journals. He has involved in several professional activities and as a member of professional committees like IEEE, ACM and CSI.

Submission to the series:
Please send proposals to:

Dr Rashmi Agrawal
Senior Member IEEE
Department of Computer Applications
ManavRachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad

D.Ganesh Gopal
School of Computing Science & Engineering
Galgotias University
Uttar Pradesh, India

Published and Forthcoming Titles

1. AI-Augmented Attacks
2. Deep Learning Approaches for Cloud Security
3. AI-Driven Cyber Attacks
4. Artificial Intelligence for Security Framework

Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Healthcare
Edited by Rashmi Agrawal, Pramod Singh Rathore, Ganesh Gopal Devarajan, and Rajiva Ranjan Divivedi
Copyright: 2025   |   Status: In Production   |   Expected Pub Date:2025   |   Hardcover
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Healthcare offers a vital exploration of the intersection of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity within healthcare Cyber Physical Systems, equipping readers with knowledge on how to navigate the transformative yet complex technological landscape shaping modern patient care and data protection.

Securing the Digital Frontier
Threats and Advanced Techniques in Security and Forensics
Edited by Kavita Sharma, Vishnu Sharma, Parma Nand, Anil Kumar Sagar, and Gulshan Shrivastava
Copyright: 2025   |   Status: In Production   |   Expected Pub Date:2025   |   Hardcover
Secure your understanding of vital security and forensic strategies by purchasing Securing the Digital Frontier: Threats and Advanced Techniques in Security and Forensics, a definitive guide that empowers you to protect sensitive information and tackle cyber threats with insights from leading experts and real-world case studies.

Deep Learning Approaches to Cloud Security
Edited by Pramod Singh Rathore, Vishal Dutt, Rashmi Agrawal, Satya Murthy Sasubilli, and Srinivasa Rao Swarna
Copyright: 2022   |   Status: Published   |   Hardcover
Covering one of the most important subjects to our society today, this editorial team delves into solutions taken from evolving deep learning approaches, solutions allow computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts.

Cyber Security and Network Security
Edited by Sabyasachi Pramanik, Debabrata Samanta, M. Vinay, and Abhijit Guha
Copyright: 2022   |   Status: Published   |   Hardcover
Written and edited by a team of experts in the field, this is the most comprehensive and up to date study of the practical applications of cybersecurity and network security for engineers, scientists, students, and other professionals.

Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
Challenges and Future Trends
Edited by Mangesh M. Ghonge, Sabyasachi Pramanik, Ramchandra Mangrulkar, and Dac-Nhuong Le
Copyright: 2022   |   Status: Published   |   Hardcover
Written and edited by a team of world renowned experts in the field, this groundbreaking new volume covers key technical topics and gives readers a comprehensive understanding of the latest research findings in cyber security and digital forensics.