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Series: Advances in Antenna, Microwave and Communication Engineering

Series Editor(s): Manoj Gupta, PhD, Pradeep Kumar, PhD

Scope: Antenna, Microwave as well as digital communication engineering has been increasingly adopted in many diverse applications such as radio astronomy, long-distance communications, space navigation, radar systems, medical equipment’s as well as missile electronic systems. As a result of the accelerating rate of growth of Communication, microwave and antenna technology in research and industry sectors; students, teachers and practicing engineers in these area are faced with the need to understand various theoretical and experimental aspects of design and analysis of microwave circuits, antennas and simulation techniques, communication systems as well as their applications. Antennas, Microwave and Communication Engineering are actually a very lively and multidisciplinary one, mixing the deepest electromagnetic theoretical aspects, mathematical signal and data processing methods, physics of devices and physics of fields, software developments and technological fabrication aspects, and the large number of possible applications generates multiple outcomes. Hence the aim of this book series is to provide a multi-discipline forum for engineers and scientists, students, researchers, industry professionals in the fields of Antenna, Microwave, Communication and Electromagnetic Engineering to focus on advances and applications.

This series aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, scholar students and practitioners interested in the advanced technologies including Remote Sensing and Radar System, Antenna Devices and Techniques, RF and Microwave Theory and Devices, Electronics Materials, Devices and Components/Circuits, Wireless and Wired Communications, Signal and Image Processing Techniques, and related topics. This series aims to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Antenna, Microwave, and Communications Engineering. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Antenna, Microwave and Communications Engineering. This Book Series is a premier platform to present the status and trends in the fields of radio frequency, microwave, millimetre-wave, and terahertz devices, systems, and technologies. A broad range of high-frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits and systems will be addressed in all their aspects: theory, simulation, design, measurement, and real-world applications.

In this series, an attempt has been made to capture the scope of advances and applications of Antenna, Microwave and Communication Engineering. This series also covers all areas related to antenna measurements in controlled and non-controlled (in-situ) environments, Antenna testing, electromagnetic measurement techniques including systems considerations, and all relationships of these areas to applications such as electromagnetic metrology, scattering and diffraction measurements, radar measurements, terrestrial and space-based communications including wireless, mobile, satellite and telecommunications, multi-antenna systems, transmitting and receiving antennas, electromagnetic systems, microwave, millimeter-wave and sub-millimeter techniques and technology, RFID, Inverse and imaging techniques, industry applications, biomedical and medical applications, civil engineering, geophysical measurement techniques, homeland security and other related areas.

This book series provides many opportunities for networking and interaction with international experts in a wide variety of specialties, attracting readers with academic as well as industrial backgrounds.

This book series represents an exciting forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in the antenna, microwave, and communication engineering area. In addition to scientific books, contributions on industrial applications are strongly encouraged, covering the above listed fields of applications. This book series is aimed to provide monograph, volumes, comprehensive handbooks and reference books that are empirical studies, theoretical and numerical analysis, and novel research findings for the benefit of graduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, Hardware Engineer, R& D scientists and industry professional working towards latest Advances in Antenna, Microwave, and Communication Engineering and for its industrial applications.

This series aim to embrace all aspects, sub fields and new challenges in the followings research domains but are not limited to:

1. Antenna & Propagation: Microstrip Antennas, Array Antennas, Phased Arrays, and Feeding Circuits, Adaptive and Smart Antennas, Ultra-Wideband, Broadband, and Multi-Band Antennas, Active and Integrated Antennas, Microstructure and nano-antennas, Milimeter wave, Submillimeter-wave and Terahertz antennas, Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays, MEMS/Nanotechnology for antennas, UWB antennas and time-domain techniques, Compact multiple antenna-systems, Massive MIMO, OFDM, RFID, 3D-printed antenna technologies, Imaging, sensing, and radar antennas, Antennas for wireless power transmission and harvesting, Millimeter- and Optical-Wave Propagation, Earth-Space and Terrestrial Propagation, Ionospheric Propagation, Propagation and Channel Characterization and related areas.

2. Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technologies: Electromagnetic Theory, Metamaterials, Complex Media and Artificial Media, Computational Electromagnetics, Optimization Methods in EM Design, Active and Passive Components and Circuits, Power Amplifiers, Linearization, MMICs and Microwave Circuits, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ICs, Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Millimeter-Wave Components, Circuits and Systems, Waveguide Structures, Microwave Imaging, Medical RF, MW & MMW Applications and Devices, Field and Circuits Analysis, Simulation and characterisation Techniques, UWB and Multispectral Technologies & Systems, Wireless Power Transfer & Energy Harvesting, Microwave Systems, Radar, Sonar, Acoustics & Applications, and related areas.

3. Communications and Sensors: 5G systems & millimeter wave propagation, Cognitive Radio & Spectral Sharing, Communications Security, First Responder/Military Communications, Green Communication, Internet of Things (IoT), Long Range Low Power Networks, Micro/Pico/Femtocell Devices and Systems, Modulation & Signal Processing Technologies, On-Body and Short Range Communications, Radio over Fiber & Optical/Wireless Convergence, Sensor Networks and Technologies, Software-Defined Radio & Multiple Access , Space-Time Coding and Systems, Optical Communication, Photonics, Telemedicine, telehealth, OFDM/CDMA/MIMO/Spread Spectrum Communication, Wireless Body Area and Wireless Body Sensor Network, UWB Communication, SoC UWB Communication, Implantable Wireless powering and communication, Vehicular communications/ Vehicular Network, Mobile Computing & Network Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based communications, and related areas.

4. Applications Areas: Cellular networks & 5G, Ultra-high data rate communications, Wireless LANs/ Adhoc Networks/ MANET/VANET, Connected objects (IoT, RFID, WSN), Biomedical Applications & biological effects, Healthcare Informatics, Radar systems, Defence & security, Space applications, Positioning, localization & tracking, Software tools & instruments, Signal Processing and Imaging, Advances in MRI: Technology, Systems and Applications, Medical RF, MW & MMW Applications and Devices, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based applications, Wireless health applications, telemedicine and e-health services, Wireless applications in robotics, Wireless emergency and security systems, Intelligent transportation systems, Mobile multimedia services, Geosciences and remote sensing and related fields, Agriculture Applications, Cyber-physical Systems and applications, Next generation home networks, Service oriented architectures, service portability and cloud computing, Mobile Internet Services Future applications based on novel concepts.

About the Series Editor(s):
Manoj Gupta PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JECRC University, Jaipur-303905 (Rajasthan), India

Qualifications: Ph.D., M.Tech, B.Tech Experience: 15 Years
Biography: Dr.Manoj Gupta received his Ph.D is in the field of Computer Science from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (India). He received his M.Tech in Digital Signal Processing from H.N.B Garhwal Central University, Uttarakhand, India and B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Institute of Engineering & Technology, M.J.P.Rohilkhand University Campus, Bareilly (U.P) India. His Overall Experience is almost 15 years. He has published many research papers in international journals and National/International conferences and book chapters. He has published 4 Patents in his credit. His research interests are in Antenna and Wireless Communications, Optical Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Image & Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering. He has supervised many PG/M.Tech dissertations and currently supervising 4 doctoral candidates. He has completed 2 sponsored projects for DST, Rajasthan (India). He is a Member of many Professional Bodies such as IEEE, IACSIT, ISTE, IAENG and many more. He has served as Technical Programme Committee (TPC) Member and Reviewer in various International Conferences such as, ICCIA 2020, ICCIA 2019 ICSIP 2018, ICSIP 2017, ICSIP 2016, AIPR 2017, AIPR 2016, ICCIA 2018, ICCIA 2017, ICCIA 2016, ICNIT 2018 and many more. He was invited for Keynote Speaker/Invited Speaker in 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2017), August 04-06, 2017 in Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore and Invited for Keynote Speaker in 2017 International Conferences on Public Health and Medical Sciences (ICPHMS 2017), May 23-24, 2017 in Xi’an, China. He is Editors, Associate editor and Reviewer of many international Journals. He has received awards and recognitions from International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, Great Britain. His name has been listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering® USA and Marquis Who’s Who in the World® USA). He is the Associate Editor of the book on “Microstrip Antenna Design for Wireless Communication, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis (Proposal Accepted) and other one edited book proposal communicated. Presently he is working as an Associate Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JECRC University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India

Pradeep Kumar, PhD, Associate Professor, Discipline of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban-4041, South Africa
Qualifications: Ph.D., M.Tech, B.Tech

Experience: 14 Years
Biography: Dr.Pradeep Kumar received his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Master of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2003, 2005 and 2009, respectively. He completed his post-doctoral studies from Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain. He is involved in teaching and research activities since last 14 years. He received various awards/fellowship such as MHRD fellowship, A4U fellowship, research excellence award, JW Nelson fund research award etc. He is registered as Professional Engineer with Engineering Council of South Africa. He is the author of More than 90+ research papers published in various peer reviewed journals/conferences. He is serving as reviewer/member of editorial board for many journals/conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Access, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Journals, SAIEEE Research Journal, International Journal of Electronics etc. He is the editor of an IEEE international conference proceeding. At present, he is working with University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He is the academic member of Center of Excellence, University of KwaZulu-Natal. His research areas include antennas, wireless communication, signal and image processing etc. Presently He is an editor in Special issue on "Sustainable Computing Solutions for Smart Healthcare towards Smart Cities: With a Special Focus on COVID-19 Pandemic", EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities (Proposal Accepted). He is also Associate editor of the book on “Microstrip Antenna Design for Wireless Communication, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis (Proposal Accepted).

Submission to the series:
The series is open to Monograph. Handbooks, Authored books, edited volumes. Please send proposals to:

• Dr.Manoj Gupta
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
JECRC University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)-303905 India

• Dr.Pradeep Kumar
Associate Professor, Discipline of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,
Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Durban-4041, South Africa

Published and Forthcoming Titles

Smart Hospitals
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Discover the potential of 5G, 6G, and smart hospitals beyond connectivity in Smart Hospitals: 5G, 6G, and Moving Beyond Connectivity and learn how these advancements are revolutionizing healthcare and the digital world.

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Wearable and Neuronic Antennas for Medical and Wireless Applications
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Copyright: 2022   |   Status: Published   |   Hardcover
This new volume in this exciting new series, written and edited by a group of international experts in the field, covers the latest advances and challenges in wearable and neuronic antennas for medical and wireless applications.

Next-Generation Antennas
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Edited by Prashant Ranjan, Dharmendra Kumar Jhariya, Manoj Gupta, Krishna Kumar, and Pradeep Kumar
Copyright: 2021   |   Status: Published   |   Hardcover
The first book in this exciting new series, written and edited by a group of international experts in the field, this exciting new volume covers the latest advances and challenges in the next generation of antennas.